

【概要描述】ASTM A450/A450M规范规定了碳和低合金钢管草莓视频在线观看视频和测试的一般要求。其综合范围涵盖了从尺寸和公差到机械性能和测试的各个方面,确保了管材制造的连贯性和标准化方法。


【概要描述】ASTM A450/A450M规范规定了碳和低合金钢管草莓视频在线观看视频和测试的一般要求。其综合范围涵盖了从尺寸和公差到机械性能和测试的各个方面,确保了管材制造的连贯性和标准化方法。

  • 分类:国外草莓视频下载色技术与服务
  • 作者:草莓视频APP下载污管道
  • 来源:河北草莓视频APP下载污管道有限公司
  • 发布时间:2024-09-25
  • 访问量:514

ASTM A450 is a standard specification for the general requirements of carbon and low alloy steel tubes.

ASTM A450是碳和低合金钢管一般要求的标准规范。

What is ASTM A450?  ASTM A450是什么?

A450/A450M Standard Specification for General Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Tubes.


The ASTM A450/A450M specification sets forth the general requirements that govern the production and testing of carbon and low alloy steel tubes. Its comprehensive scope covers aspects ranging from dimensions and tolerances to mechanical properties and tests, ensuring a cohesive and standardized approach to tube manufacturing.

ASTM A450/A450M规范规定了碳和低合金钢管草莓视频在线观看视频和测试的一般要求。其综合范围涵盖了从尺寸和公差到机械性能和测试的各个方面,确保了管材制造的连贯性和标准化方法。

The specification covers the following requirements:


  • Steel samples must be melt processed and either ingot cast or strand cast.
  • 钢样必须经过熔融处理,可以是铸锭或铸坯。
  • Heat and product analyses must be performed on the steel materials.
  • 必须对钢材进行热量和草莓视频下载色分析。
  • The requirements are mandatory, with the exceptions of 5.3 and Sections 6, 7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.
  • 这些要求是强制性的,但5.3和第6、7、18、19、20、21、22、2324节除外。

ASTM A450 was published by ASTM International on November 1, 2021.

ASTM A450由ASTM国际组织于2021年11月1日发布。

What is the other name of low carbon steel? 低碳钢的另一个名字是什么?

Also known as mild steel, low carbon steel has low strength relative to steel with higher carbon levels. 


What are the 4 types of carbon steel? 碳钢的四种类型是什么?

Carbon steel is broken down into four classes based on carbon content:


  • Low-carbon steel. 0.05 to 0.15% carbon (plain carbon steel) content.
  • 低碳钢。0.050.15%的碳(普通碳钢)含量。
  • Medium-carbon steel. Approximately 0.3–0.5% carbon content. ...
  • 中碳钢。碳含量约为0.3-0.5%。。。
  • High-carbon steel. Approximately 0.6 to 1.0% carbon content. ...
  • 高碳钢。碳含量约为0.6%1.0%。。。  
  • Ultra-high-carbon steel. Approximately 1.25–2.0% carbon content.
  • 超高碳钢。碳含量约为1.25-2.0%。

Ensuring Dimensional Precision确保尺寸精度

1.Dimensions and Tolerances: ASTM A450/A450M leaves no room for ambiguity when it comes to tube dimensions and tolerances. By providing strict guidelines for outside diameter, wall thickness, and length, it fosters uniformity across various applications.

1.尺寸和公差:ASTM A450/A450M在管材尺寸和公差方面没有模糊之处。通过为外径、壁厚和长度提供严格的指导方针,它促进了各种应用的均匀性。

  1. Straightness and Finish: The standard's meticulous stipulations regarding tube straightness and surface finish contribute to the overall aesthetic and functional qualities of the tubes, ensuring they meet the rigorous demands of industrial applications.

2 .平直度和光洁度:该标准对管材平直度和表面光洁度的细致规定有助于提高管材的整体美学和功能质量,确保其满足工业应用的严格要求。

Mechanical Properties and Tests机械性能和试验

  1. Tensile and Hardness Tests: The ASTM A450/A450M specification mandates essential tests to evalsuate the mechanical properties of the steel tubes. Tensile strength and hardness assessments provide insights into the tubes' ability to withstand external forces and pressures.

1.拉伸和硬度试验:ASTM A450/A450M规范要求进行基本试验,以评估钢管的机械性能。抗拉强度和硬度评估提供了对管子承受外力和压力能力的见解。

2.Flattening Test: By subjecting tubes to the flattening test, the standard ensures that tubes can endure the deformation caused by compression, a crucial consideration for applications involving pressure containment.


A Pillar of Quality Assurance质量保证的支柱

ASTM A450/A450M doesn't just address physical attributes; it embodies a philosophy of excellence. By delineating stringent requirements and test procedures, it safeguards the reliability and quality of carbon and low alloy steel tubes. This standard serves as a benchmark against which manufacturers and engineers can gauge their products, fostering confidence in their performance.

ASTM A450/A450M不仅涉及物理属性;它体现了卓越的哲学。通过制定严格的要求和测试程序,它保障了碳和低合金钢管的可靠性和质量。该标准可作为制造商和工程师衡量其草莓视频下载色的基准,增强对其性能的信心。

Applications and Beyond应用程序及其他

The influence of ASTM A450/A450M reverberates across a myriad of industries:

ASTM A450/A450M的影响波及无数行业:

  1. Construction: Structural integrity is paramount in construction. The standard's specifications ensure that steel tubes used in buildings, bridges, and other structures meet the highest quality standards.


2.Mechanical Engineering: In mechanical systems, precision and dependability are non-negotiable. ASTM A450/A450M-compliant tubes form the backbone of machines, mechanisms, and conveyance systems.

2.机械工程:在机械系统中,精度和可靠性是不可谈判的。符合ASTM A450/A450M标准的管子构成了机器、机构和输送系统的支柱。

3.Energy and Utilities: From pipelines to heat exchangers, steel tubes play a pivotal role in energy production and distribution. The standard's provisions guarantee the safety and efficiency of these critical components.


A Conclusive Standard结论性标准

In the intricate tapestry of industrial manufacturing, ASTM A450/A450M stands as a decisive thread, weaving together precision, reliability, and excellence. Its stipulations transcend the realm of specifications; they embody a commitment to quality that resonates across diverse applications. With ASTM A450/A450M, carbon and low alloy steel tubes find their compass, guiding them toward uncompromising standards of performance and integrity.

在工业制造的复杂挂毯中,ASTM A450/A450M是一条决定性的线,将精度、可靠性和卓越性编织在一起。其规定超越了规范的范畴;它们体现了对质量的承诺,在不同的应用程序中引起了共鸣。通过ASTM A450/A450M,碳和低合金钢管找到了自己的指南针,引导他们朝着不妥协的性能和完整性标准前进。


    1. This specification  covers a group of requirements which, with the exceptions of 6.3 and Sections 7, 8, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, and 25, are mandatory requirements to the following ASTM tubular product specifications:
    2. 1.1本规范涵盖了一组要求,除6.3和第7、8、19、20、21、22、23、24和25节外,这些要求是以下ASTM管材规范的强制性要求:

These designations refer to the latest issue of the respective specifications.

1.2 One or more of Sections 6.3, 7, 8, 19, 20, 21, 22, 22.1,24, and 25 apply when the product specification or purchase order has a requirement for the test or analysis described by these sections.

1.3 In case of conflict between a requirement of the product specification and a requirement of this general requirement specification only the requirement of the product specification need be satisfied.

1.4 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard. The inch-pound units shall apply unless the “M” designation (SI) of the product specification is specified in the order.


Ordering Information订购信息

4.1 It is the purchaser’s responsibility to specify in the purchase order all ordering information necessary to purchase the needed material. Examples of such information include, but are not limited to, the following:

4.1.1 Quantity (feet, metres, or number of lengths),


4.1.2 Specificiation number with grade or class, or both, as applicable and year date,

4.1.3 Manufacture (hot-finished or cold-finished),

4.1.4 Size (outside diameter and minimum wall thickness),

4.1.5 Length (specific or random),

4.1.6 Test report required (see Section 27),


4.1.7 Choice of testing track from the options listed in Test Methods A1058 when material is ordered to an M suffix (SI units) product standard. If the choice of test track is not specified in the order, then the defaultASTM test track shall be used as noted in Test Methods A1058.

4.1.8 Supplementary Requirements, and


4.1.9 Additional requirements.


5. Process过程

5.1 The steel may be made by any process.

5.2 If a specific type of melting is required by the purchaser,it shall be as stated on the purchase order.


5.3 The primary melting may incorporate separate degassing or refining and may be followed by secondary melting,such as electroslag remelting or vacuum-arc remelting.


5.4 Steel may be cast in ingots or may be strand cast. When steel of different grades is sequentially strand cast, identification of the resultant transition material is required. The producer shall remove the transition material by an established procedure that positively separates the grades.


6. Chemical Composition化学成分

6.1 Samples for chemical analysis, and method of analysis shall be in accordance with Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology A751.

6.2 Heat Analysis—If the heat analysis reported by the steel producer is not sufficiently complete for conformance with the heat analysis requirements of the applicable product specification to be fully assessed, the manufacturer may complete the assessment of conformance with such heat analysis requirements by using a product analysis for the specified elements that were not reported by the steel producer, provided that product analysis tolerances are not applied and the heat analysis is not altered.

6.3 Product Analysis—Product analysis requirements and options, if any, are contained in the product specification.


7. Tensile Properties拉伸性能

7.1 The material shall conform to the requirements as to tensile properties prescribed in the individual specification.

7.2 The yield strength corresponding to a permanent offset of 0.2 % of the gage length or to a total extension of 0.5 % of the gage length under load shall be determined.

7.3 If the percentage of elongation of any test specimen is less than that specified and any part of the fracture is more than 3 ⁄ 4 in. [19.0 mm] from the center of the gage length, as indicated by scribe marks on the specimen before testing, a retest shall be allowed.


8. Standard Weights标准重量

8.1 The calculated weight per unit length, based upon a specified minimum wall thickness, shall be determined by the following equation:


W =C (D- t ) t       (1)

  C = 10.69 [0.0246615],
  W = weight, lb/ft [kg/m],
  D = specified outside diameter, in. [mm], and
  t = specified minimum wall thickness, in. [mm]
  8.2 The permissible variations from the calculated weight per foot [kilogram per metre] shall be as prescribed in Table 1.


TABLE 1 Permissible Variations in Weight Per Unit Length  A 

A These permissible variations in weight apply to lots of 50 tubes or more in sizes 4 in. [101.6 mm] and under in outside diameter, and to lots of 20 tubes or more in sizes over 4 in. [101.6 mm] in outside diameter.


9. Permissible Variations in Wall Thickness壁厚允许偏差

9.1 Variations from the specified minimum wall thickness shall not exceed the amounts prescribed in Table 2.

9.2 For tubes 2 in. [50.8 mm] and over in outside diameter and 0.220 in. [5.6 mm] and over in thickness, the variation in wall thickness in any one cross section of any one tube shall not exceed the following percentage of the actual mean wall at the section. The actual mean wall is defined as the average of the thickest and thinnest wall in that section.


Seamless tubes ±10 % 无缝管±10%

Welded tubes ± 5 % 焊接管±5%

9.3 When cold-finished tubes as ordered require wall thick-
nesses 3 ⁄ 4 in. [19.1 mm] or over, or an inside diameter 60 % or less of the outside diameter, the permissible variations in wall thickness for hot-finished tubes shall apply.


3⁄4 in.[19.1 mm]或以上,或内径为外径的60%或以下,热加工管壁厚的允许偏差应适用。

TABLE 2 Permissible Variations in Wall Thickness   

A These permissible variations in wall thickness apply only to tubes, except internal-upset tubes, as rolled or cold-finished, and before swaging, expanding,bending, polishing, or other fabricating operations.


Permissible Variations in Outside Diameter外径允许偏差

10.1 Except as provided in 10.2, variations from the specified outside diameter shall not exceed the amounts prescribed in Table 3.

10.2 Thin-wall tubes usually develop significant ovality (out of roundness) during final annealing, or straightening, or both.The diameter tolerances of Table 3 are not sufficient to provide for additional ovality expected in thin-wall tubes, and, for such tubes, are applicable only to the mean of the extreme (maximum and minimum) outside diameter readings in any one cross section. However, for thin wall tubes the difference in extreme outside diameter readings (ovality) in any one cross section shall not exceed the following ovality allowances:


TABLE 3 Permissible Variations in Outside Diameter 

A Except as provided in 10.2, these permissible variations include out-of-roundness. These permissible variations in outside diameter apply to hot-finished seamless, welded and cold-finished seamless tubes before other fabricating operations such as upsetting, swaging, expanding, bending, or polishing.


Permissible Variations in Length允许的长度变化

11.1 Variations from the specified length shall not exceed the amounts prescribed in Table 4.


TABLE 4 Permissible Variations in Length A 

A These permissible variations in length apply to tubes before bending. They apply to cut lengths up to and including 24 ft [7.3 m]. For lengths greater than 24 ft [7.3m], the above over-tolerances shall be increased by 1 ⁄ 8 in. [3 mm] for each 10 ft [3m] or fraction thereof over 24 ft or 1 ⁄ 2 in. [13 mm], whichever is the lesser.


  1. Permissible Variations in Height of Flash on Electric-Resistance-Welded Tubes


12.1 For tubes over 2 in. [50.8 mm] in outside diameter, or over 0.135 in. [3.44 mm] in wall thickness, the flash on the inside of the tubes shall be mechanically removed by cutting to a maximum height of 0.010 in. [0.25 mm] at any point on the tube.

12.2 For tubes 2 in. [50.8 mm] and under in outside diameter and 0.135 in. [3.4 mm] and under in wall thickness,the flash on the inside of the tube shall be mechanically removed by cutting to a maximum height of 0.006 in. [0.15mm] at any point on the tube.


Straightness and Finish直线度和表面处理

13.1 Finished tubes shall be reasonably straight and have smooth ends free of burrs. They shall have a workmanlike finish. Surface imperfections (see Note 1) may be removed by grinding, provided that a smooth curved surface is maintained,and the wall thickness is not decreased to less than that permitted by this or the product specification. The outside diameter at the point of grinding may be reduced by the amount so removed.

N OTE 1—An imperfection is any discontinuity or irregularity found in the tube.


14. Repair by Welding焊接修补

14.1 Repair welding of base metal defects in tubing is permissible only with the approval of the purchaser and with the further understanding that the tube shall be marked “WR” and the composition of the deposited filler metal shall be suitable for the composition being welded. Defects shall be thoroughly chipped or ground out before welding and each repaired length shall be reheat treated or stress relieved as required by the applicable specification. Each length of repaired tube shall be tested hydrostatically as required by the product specification.

14.2 Repair welding shall be performed using procedures and welders or welding operators that have been qualified in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section IX.


15. Retests复试

15.1 If the results of the mechanical tests of any group or lot do not conform to the requirements specified in the individual specification, retests may be made on additional tubes of double the original number from the same group or lot, each of which shall conform to the requirements specified.


16. Retreatment在处理

16.1 If the individual tubes or the tubes selected to represent any group or lot fail to conform to the test requirements, the individual tubes or the group or lot represented may be retreated and resubmitted for test. Not more than two reheat treatments shall be permitted.


17. Test Specimens试样

17.1 Test specimens shall be taken from the ends of finished tubes prior to upsetting, swaging, expanding, or other forming operations, or being cut to length. They shall be smooth on the ends and free of burrs and flaws.

17.2 If any test specimen shows flaws or defective machining, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted.


18. Method of Mechanical Testing机械测试方法

18.1 The specimens and mechanical tests required shall be made in accordance with Annex A2 of Test Methods and Definitions A370 if inch-pound units are specified or to the requirements described in the applicable track of Test Methods A1058 if SI units are specified.

18.2 Specimens shall be tested at room temperature.

18.3 Small or subsize specimens as described in Test Methods and Definitions A370 or Test Methods A1058 may be used only when there is insufficient material to prepare one of the standard specimens. When using small or subsize specimens, the largest one possible shall be used.


19. Flattening Test压扁试验

19.1 A section of tube not less than 2 1 ⁄ 2 in. [63 mm] in length for seamless and not less than 4 in. [100 mm] in length for welded shall be flattened cold between parallel plates in two steps. For welded tubes, the weld shall be placed 90° from the direction of the applied force (at a point of maximum bending).During the first step, which is a test for ductility, no cracks or breaks, except as provided for in 19.4, on the inside, outside, or end surfaces shall occur in seamless tubes, or on the inside or outside surfaces of welded tubes, until the distance between the plates is less than the value of H calculated by the following equation:

19.1长度不小于2 1/2英寸[63毫米](无缝)和长度不小于4英寸[100毫米](焊接)的管段应分两步在平行板之间冷压平。对于焊接管,焊缝应与施加力的方向成90°(在最大弯曲点)。在第一步,即延展性试验期间,无缝管或焊接管的内表面或外表面不得出现裂纹或断裂,除非19.4中另有规定,直到板之间的距离小于由以下方程式计算的H值:

  H = distance between flattening plates, in. [mm],平板之间的距离,英寸[mm],
  t = specified wall thickness of the tube, in. [mm],管的指定壁厚,英寸[mm],
  D = specified outside diameter of the tube, in. [mm], and管的指定外径,英寸[mm],以及
  e = deformation per unit length (constant for a given grade of steel: 0.07 for medium-carbon steel (maximum specified carbon 0.19 % or greater), 0.08 for low alloy steel, and 0.09 for low-carbon steel (maximum specified carbon 0.18 % or less)).单位长度变形(给定钢种的常数:中碳钢为0.07(最大规定碳含量0.19%或更高),低合金钢为0.08,低碳钢为0.09(最大指定碳含量0.18%或更低))。

During the second step, which is a test for soundness, the flattening shall be continued until the specimen breaks or the opposite walls of the tube meet. Evidence of laminated or unsound material, or of incomplete weld that is revealed during the entire flattening test shall be cause for rejection.

19.2 Surface imperfections in the test specimens before flattening, but revealed during the first step of the flattening test, shall be judged in accordance with the finish requirements.

19.3 Superficial ruptures resulting from surface imperfections shall not be cause for rejection.

19.4 When low D-to-t ratio tubular products are tested,because the strain imposed due to geometry is unreasonably high on the inside surface at the six and twelve o’clock locationss, cracks at these locationss shall not be cause for rejection if the D to t ratio is less than 10.



23.1 For tubes 0.200 in. [5.1 mm] and over in wall thickness, either the Brinell or Rockwell hardness test shall be used. When Brinell hardness testing is used, a 10-mm ball with 3000, 1500, or 500-kg load, or a 5-mm ball with 750-kg load may be used, at the option of the manufacturer.

23.2 For tubes less than 0.200 in. [5.1 mm] to and including 0.065 in. [1.7 mm] in wall thickness, the Rockwell hardness test shall be used.

23.3 For tubes less than 0.065 in. [1.7 mm] in wall thickness, the hardness test shall not be required.

23.4 The Brinell hardness test may be made on the outside of the tube near the end, on the outside of a specimen cut from the tube, or on the wall cross section of a specimen cut from the tube at the option of the manufacturer. This test shall be made so that the distance from the center of the impression to the edge of the specimen is at least 2.5 times the diameter of the impression.

23.5 The Rockwell hardness test may be made on the inside surface, on the wall cross section, or on a flat on the outside surface at the option of the manufacturer.

23.6 For tubes furnished with upset, swaged, or otherwise formed ends, the hardness test shall be made as prescribed in

23.1 and 23.2 on the outside of the tube near the end after the forming operation and heat treatment.

23.7 For welded or brazed tubes, the hardness test shall be made away from the joints.

23.8 When the product specification provides for Vickers hardness, such testing shall be in accordance with Test Method E92.


24. Hydrostatic Test水压试验

24.1 Except as provided in 24.2 and 24.3, each tube shall be tested by the manufacturer to a minimum hydrostatic test pressure determined by the following equation:


  P = hydrostatic test pressure, psi or MPa,静水压试验压力,psi或MPa,
  t = specified wall thickness, in. or mm, and规定的壁厚,英寸或毫米,以及
  D = specified outside diameter, in. or mm.指定外径,英寸或毫米。

24.1.1 The hydrostatic test pressure determined by Eq 3 shall be rounded to the nearest 50 psi [0.5 MPa] for pressure below 1000 psi [7 MPa], and to the nearest 100 psi [1 MPa] for pressures 1000 psi [7 MPa] and above. The hydrostatic test may be performed prior to cutting to final length, or prior to upsetting, swaging, expanding, bending or other forming operations, or both.

24.1.1对于低于1000 psi[7 MPa]的压力,方程式3确定的静水压试验压力应四舍五入到最接近的50 psi[0.5 MPa],对于1000 psi[7MPa]及以上的压力,应四舍五入到最靠近的100 psi[1 MPa]。静水压试验可以在切割到最终长度之前进行,也可以在镦粗、型锻、膨胀、弯曲或其他成形操作之前进行,或者两者兼而有之。
24.2 Regardless of the determination made by Eq 3, the minimum hydrostatic test pressure required to satisfy these requirements need not exceed the values given in Table 7. This does not prohibit testing at higher pressures at manufacturer’s option or as provided in 24.3.


TABLE 7 Hydrostatic Test Pressures

24.3 With concurrence of the manufacturer, a minimum hydrostatic test pressure in excess of the requirements of 24.2 or 24.1, or both, may be stated on the order. The tube wall stress shall be determined by the following equation:



  S = tube wall stress, psi or MPa, and all other symbols as管壁应力,psi或MPa,以及所有其他符号
defined in 24.1.1.定义见24.1.1。

24.4 The test pressure shall be held for a minimum of 5 s.

24.5 If any tube shows leaks during the hydrostatic test, it shall be rejected.

24.6 The hydrostatic test may not be capable of testing the end portion of the pipe. The lengths of pipe that cannot be tested shall be determined by the manufacturer and, when specified in the purchase order, reported to the purchaser.



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  • 联系电话- 0317-6689999  6165555 
  • 业务邮箱- 9905791@qq.com
  • 公司地址- 河北省沧州市盐山县城南工业开发区(中原管道南厂)
  • 联系手机-15530461111(微信同步)-孟经理

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